Community Development

From communities deep in the jungle to urban areas, the programmes implemented by our partners in 2023 saw a significant increase in the number of individuals assuming leadership roles within their communities.

The Impact


people supported in mental and physical health


participants trained in livelihoods, community leadership and mental health support programs


participants saw more income and livelihood opportunities


community leaders nurtured via programmes supported

With self-organising local leaders, sustainable progress can continue long after a programme ends.

These programmes also underscored the significance of developing solutions tailored to the people’s needs, voices, and aspirations, that may also necessitate multifaceted interventions. This has been instrumental in various livelihood programmes aimed at sustainably enhancing income potential across vulnerable and marginalised communities, fostering long-term resilience and well-being.

With the right support, these individuals are breaking barriers, expanding income opportunities, and broadening career options for the future. 

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