
In the quest to drive innovative solutions towards sustainability for both nature and people, a comprehensive approach involving all sectors of society is crucial; rallying together government bodies, corporations, and society. 

The Impact


projects across the 8 Perak Sustainable Development Model (PSDM) priority sites


stakeholders trained in Perak conservation and biodiversity


participating schools in plastics waste management


people exposed to responsible plastics waste management

RM 71,589

cash generated in upcycling plastic waste

277.25 ton

waste separated in target communities

In a milestone year for Perak, in 2023, we presented the Carbon Potential Plan to the state government, aiming to demonstrate sustainability by catalysing innovative solutions. This initiative serves as a catalyst for learning, adoption, and advocacy, not only within Perak but potentially nationwide. 

Meanwhile, back at home, in collaboration with our partners, we assisted schools in cultivating a sustainable recycling culture among youth. This initiative aligns with Hasanah’s commitment to promoting a clear and responsible plastics agenda, incorporating active programme and policy interventions across the entire value chain. 

Malaysia Pavilion COP28

In 2023, during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) held in Dubai, Hasanah hosted a session focused on Malaysia’s rich biodiversity as one of the world’s megadiverse countries. This session showcased our collaborative efforts under a public-private-philanthropic initiative aimed at the conservation of the Malayan Tiger. 

Protecting Our Nature and Biodiversity Treasures: Malaysia’s Role As a Superpower in Biodiversity Conservation 

6 Dec 2023

Localised Adaptation Financing in 2nd Tier Cities: A Perspective from Kuala Kangsar 

5 Dec 2023
Greener habits in action: Bringing recyclables from home to school
Meet Malaysia’s next-gen heroes of nature